Tag: Joe Biden

Biden Set to Announce New Rules Easing Immigration for Spouses of U.S. Citizens

Achieving permanent residency, also known as obtaining a green card, is a

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Joe Biden Set to Make Significant Announcement on Immigration

In the lead-up to the crucial US Presidential election later this year,

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Hunter Biden Convicted of Gun Crimes: Will He Face Jail Time?

The maximum penalty for the charges Hunter Biden faces could total up

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Biden Assures: U.S. Weapons Won’t Be Used by Ukraine to Attack Russia

President Joe Biden emphasized on Thursday that U.S. weapons would not be

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Biden Announces Executive Measures to Reduce Migrant Crossings

Under mounting political pressure due to the ongoing migrant crisis at the

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Joe Biden’s Son, Hunter Biden Faces Federal Trial on Gun Charges

Hunter Biden, the often troubled son of President Joe Biden, began his

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G7 Supports Biden’s Peace Initiative, Urges Hamas to Agree

The G7 group of developed nations released a statement on Monday affirming

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Trump Warns Prison Sentence Could Be “Breaking Point” for His Supporters

Donald Trump has issued a stark warning, suggesting that his potential imprisonment

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Joe Biden’s Campaign Seeks Meme Manager to Enhance Online Engagement

As President Joe Biden prepares for his November 5 rematch against Donald

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White House: Biden Rejects Unilateral Recognition of Palestinian State

On Wednesday, the White House announced President Joe Biden's opposition to the

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