Pavel Durov, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Telegram Messenger, recently shared an extraordinary personal revelation: despite being unmarried, he has fathered 100 biological children around the world. The 39-year-old entrepreneur disclosed this on his popular Telegram channel on Monday evening.
Durov explained that his journey into fatherhood began 15 years ago, when a close friend approached him with an unusual request. The friend and his wife were struggling with infertility and asked Durov to donate his sperm at a clinic to help them conceive. Initially taken aback, Durov soon realized the sincerity of the request and agreed to assist.
Reflecting on the experience, Durov recounted, “Fifteen years ago, a friend approached me with a strange request. He said that he and his wife couldn’t have children due to a fertility issue and asked me to donate sperm at a clinic for them. I laughed at first, but then I realized he was serious.”
The clinic’s director emphasized the scarcity of “high-quality donor material” and suggested that Durov’s contributions could significantly help other couples facing similar challenges. Intrigued by the idea, Durov agreed to donate sperm regularly.
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“Fast forward to 2024,” Durov continued, “my past donations have helped over 100 couples in 12 countries have children. Even after I stopped donating, at least one IVF clinic still has my frozen sperm available for anonymous use by families hoping to have kids.”
Durov revealed his plans to open-source his DNA, enabling his biological children to locate him if they wish. He acknowledged the potential risks but expressed no regrets about his decision to become a donor. He highlighted the global shortage of healthy sperm and emphasized his pride in having contributed to alleviating this issue.
“I’m proud that I did my part to help,” Durov stated. “The shortage of healthy sperm has become an increasingly serious issue worldwide.”
In addition to sharing his story, Durov encouraged healthy men to consider sperm donation to assist families struggling with infertility.
Pavel Durov is a Russian-born Emirati entrepreneur renowned for his innovations in the tech industry. In 2022, Forbes recognized him as the richest expatriate in the United Arab Emirates.
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In February 2023, Arabian Business named him the most powerful entrepreneur in Dubai, reflecting his significant influence and success in the region.
This remarkable aspect of Durov’s life adds another layer to his already fascinating biography, showcasing his willingness to support others in unique and impactful ways.
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