Biden Set to Announce New Rules Easing Immigration for Spouses of U.S. Citizens

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President Joe Biden is set to unveil new rules on Tuesday aimed at easing the process for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens to obtain permanent residency status, according to a statement from the White House.

This move is part of the Biden administration’s effort to navigate the complex and often contentious issue of immigration, a crucial topic for many Americans as the November presidential election approaches.

Biden, a Democrat, is attempting to strike a balance between being firm on illegal immigration and distinguishing his policies from the harsher measures advocated by his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.

The new regulations do not expand eligibility for permanent residency but instead streamline the process for those who already qualify.

One of the significant changes is the removal of the requirement for applicants to leave the country as part of the application process. The new rules will apply to individuals who have been present in the United States for at least ten years and are married to a U.S. citizen before June 17, 2024.


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The administration estimates that this change could benefit approximately 500,000 people. Additionally, around 50,000 stepchildren of U.S. citizens would also be eligible under these new rules.

Once approved, these individuals would be granted work authorization and the right to stay in the United States for up to three years while they apply for permanent residency. Achieving permanent residency, also known as obtaining a green card, is a crucial step that could eventually lead to U.S. citizenship.

What we are announcing are potentially streamlined processes to minimize the bureaucracy and the hardship that having to leave the country creates,” a senior administration official explained to reporters ahead of the official announcement.

However, another official emphasized that comprehensive reform of immigration and asylum laws can only be achieved through congressional action.

The Biden administration’s previous attempt at a bipartisan immigration package, which would have introduced some of the strictest policies in decades, collapsed when Republicans withdrew their support.

Recently, Biden also signed an executive order that restricts the number of asylum seekers allowed to enter the country once certain daily limits are reached. This move drew immediate criticism from the left and sparked a legal challenge from various rights groups.

Despite the backlash, the administration has defended its asylum order and has characterized the congressional push as the “toughest and fairest set of reforms in decades.”

In stark contrast, former President Trump has used inflammatory rhetoric, referring to immigrants as “poisoning the blood of the country” and has promised mass deportations of those in the country illegally.

In addition to the new rules for spouses of U.S. citizens, the Biden administration is also set to simplify the process for children who entered the United States illegally, often referred to as Dreamers.

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The new regulations will make it easier for Dreamers to obtain work visas if they have graduated from college and secured a high-skilled job offer.

These steps by the Biden administration reflect a broader strategy to address immigration in a way that is both humane and practical, seeking to reduce bureaucratic hurdles while maintaining security and fairness in the immigration system.

The upcoming changes aim to provide more stability and opportunities for families and individuals who have long been contributing to the fabric of American society.

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