Google to Pilot New AI-Powered Anti-Theft Feature for Smartphones

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Alphabet’s Google announced on Tuesday that Brazil will be the first country to pilot a groundbreaking anti-theft feature for Android phones. This new feature leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to identify when a phone has been stolen and subsequently lock the device’s screen to prevent unauthorized access.

In the initial testing phase, users will have access to three distinct types of locking mechanisms. The first mechanism employs AI developed by Google to detect signals indicative of “common movements associated with theft.” When such movements are identified, the screen will automatically lock, rendering the device unusable by potential thieves.

The second feature allows users to remotely lock their device by entering their phone number and completing a security challenge from another trusted device. This option provides an additional layer of security for users who realize their phone has been stolen but are not in immediate possession of another device.


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The third mode involves automatically locking the screen if the device remains without internet access for an extended period. This ensures that even if a stolen phone is taken offline to prevent tracking, it will still become unusable after a certain amount of time.

These innovative features will be available to Brazilian users with Android phones running version 10 or higher starting in July. Google has indicated that following this initial rollout, the features will gradually become available to users in other countries throughout the year.

The introduction of these anti-theft features comes in response to a significant rise in phone theft in Brazil. According to the 2023 Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, the number of stolen cellphones in Brazil increased by 16.6% in 2022 compared to the previous year, reaching nearly 1 million incidents.

To combat this growing problem, the Brazilian government launched an app named Celular Seguro in December. This app allows users to report a stolen phone and block access to it using another device belonging to a trusted individual.

As of last month, the app has registered around 2 million users across the country and successfully blocked 50,000 phones, according to the Justice Ministry.


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Google’s decision to test its anti-theft feature in Brazil reflects the urgent need for enhanced security measures in regions experiencing high rates of phone theft.

By leveraging advanced AI technology, Google aims to provide users with robust tools to protect their devices and personal information, setting a new standard for smartphone security globally.

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