Benjamin Netanyahu Responds to UN’s Decision to Include Israel on Human Rights Blacklist

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The impending inclusion of Israel on a UN blacklist of countries and armed forces deemed to be failing to protect children in conflict zones has sparked a vehement response from Israeli officials.

The annual “Children and Armed Conflict” report, prepared by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is set to be published on June 18. However, Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, reacted strongly after being privately notified of Israel’s addition to the list.

In an official statement, Erdan expressed his outrage, saying, “I am utterly shocked and disgusted by this shameful decision.” He condemned the UN’s action, suggesting it unfairly targets Israel and its military practices.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also took to his social media platform, X, to voice his disapproval. He stated that the UN had “put itself today on history’s blacklist when it adopted the absurd claims of Hamas. The IDF is the most moral military in the world, and no ‘flat earth’ decision by the UN secretary-general can change that.”


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In contrast, the Palestinian envoy to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, welcomed the news. While acknowledging that the inclusion of Israel on the “list of shame” would not bring back the lives of children lost or those permanently disabled by Israeli military actions, Mansour called it “an important step in the right direction towards ending the double standards and the culture of impunity Israel has enjoyed for far too long, which has left our children vulnerable.”

Diplomatic sources revealed that Hamas and another Palestinian group, Islamic Jihad, would also be included on the list. This inclusion underscores the broader scope of the report in addressing various parties involved in the conflict.

Erdan didn’t hold back in his criticism of Secretary-General Guterres, stating, “The only one who is blacklisted today is the secretary-general.” He further argued that the UN’s decision would inadvertently empower Hamas, claiming, “Now Hamas will continue even more to use schools and hospitals because this shameful decision of the secretary-general will only give Hamas hope.”

The controversy surrounding the UN report highlights the ongoing tension and differing perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly concerning the protection of children in war-torn areas.

As the official release date of the report approaches, reactions from both sides continue to reflect deep-seated grievances and contrasting narratives about accountability and moral responsibility in the context of armed conflict.

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