Israel Signs $3 Billion Agreement with U.S. for Third Squadron of F-35 Fighter Jets

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Israel has announced a significant $3 billion agreement to purchase a third squadron of 25 advanced F-35 stealth fighter jets from Lockheed Martin, with deliveries set to begin in 2028.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant highlighted the strategic importance of this acquisition, stating:

“At a time when some of our adversaries aim to undermine our ties with our greatest ally, we only further strengthen our alliance. This sends a powerful message to our enemies across the region.”

According to the Israeli defense ministry, this deal will expand Israel’s fleet of F-35s to a total of 75. The delivery schedule for these jets will start in 2028, with Israel receiving three to five aircraft annually.

Notably, Israel remains the only nation in the Middle East equipped with F-35s, the world’s most advanced fighter jets. These aircraft are renowned for their stealth capabilities, intelligence-gathering proficiency, ability to execute deep strikes into enemy territory, and superiority in air combat scenarios, NDTV.


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Israel made headlines in May 2018 when its military announced it had become the first country to utilize F-35s in combat.

Prior to the recent conflict with Hamas, Israel had conducted numerous airstrikes on Syrian territory, primarily targeting Iran-backed forces, Hezbollah fighters, and Syrian army positions.

In April, amidst the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, Iran launched its first-ever direct attack on Israel using over 300 drones and missiles.

This latest F-35 acquisition underscores Israel’s commitment to maintaining a technological edge and reinforcing its strategic alliance with the United States in the face of regional threats.

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