China Alleges British Intelligence is Recruiting Its Citizens as Spies

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China leveled serious accusations against Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, claiming it recruited a couple employed by the central government to engage in espionage activities for the United Kingdom.

This development adds another layer to the ongoing exchange of espionage allegations between Beijing and Western nations, NDTV Report.

According to a statement from China’s Ministry of State Security, published on its official WeChat account, MI6 operatives successfully persuaded a man, identified by the surname Wang, who held a “core confidential role” within the central state apparatus, to defect along with his wife, surnamed Zhou.

The ministry detailed that British intelligence began targeting Wang during his studies in the UK in 2015.

They reportedly organized dinners and tours to “understand his character weaknesses, interests, and demands.” Noticing Wang’s “strong desire for money,” MI6 agents then offered him lucrative consulting opportunities, which gradually entailed disclosing sensitive information about central state agencies.


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Recently, after careful investigation, the national security organs uncovered a major espionage case in which the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) instigated a couple, Wang and Zhou, who were staff members of a central state agency of China, to defect,” the statement stated.

As their relationship with Wang deepened, MI6 operatives eventually disclosed their true identities and instructed him to return to China to gather intelligence. They also allegedly convinced him to coerce his wife, Zhou, into participating in these espionage activities.

The Ministry of State Security claimed to have amassed evidence against Wang and has taken “decisive measures” in response, though specific details about these measures remain undisclosed.

The statement did not provide information regarding Wang and Zhou’s current employment status, the exact nature of the intelligence they allegedly shared, or their present whereabouts.

This incident highlights the escalating espionage tensions between China and Western countries, with each side accusing the other of subversive activities. The unfolding investigation into Wang and Zhou’s alleged espionage activities is likely to further strain diplomatic relations.

AFP has reached out to Britain’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office for a comment regarding the allegations against MI6.


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Historically, China and Western nations have accused each other of espionage, but specifics of individual cases have only recently emerged. Last month, British police reported the mysterious death of Matthew Trickett, who had been charged with aiding Hong Kong in gathering UK intelligence.

In April, German authorities arrested four individuals on suspicion of spying for China, coinciding with British charges against two men for passing sensitive information to Beijing between 2021 and 2022.

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